Thursday, December 23, 2010

Locate Database problem in Linux

A problem I encountered after installing Fedora 14 and trying to use the locate function. Solved the problem by running updatedb.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Basic Nmap usage

Nmap is a port scanner that can be run to scan hosts and return information about them. The information returned is but not limited to if the hosts are up, Services running on them, the versions of the services and Operating System running on the host.

In the example below we shall:
1. Scan the Network to show which hosts are up.
2. Scan an individual host to determine Ports open and OS.
3. Scan the host and return Additional information.
4. Save the Output of the nmap scan.
5. View the Information Saved.
6. Scan a router and return open ports and OS

Monday, August 16, 2010

Safaricom Modem Installation on Fedora 13

A bash script I wrote to use a Safaricom modem in linux. There are two shell scripts that you need and allows for you to install all the needed files to get your modem connected to your system and allows you to use the modem to access the Safaricom network.
#! /bin/bash

sudo yum install wvdial
sudo yum install ppp
sudo yum install pyserial python-twisted pytz redhat-lsb



sudo rpm -i usb_modeswitch-0.9.7-1.fc10.src.rpm

sudo rpm -i vodafone-mobile-connect-2.20.01-1.noarch.rpm
#! /bin/bash

sudo vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux

Thursday, July 22, 2010